Every Wednesday night the Frosty Factory hosts Comedy Night. Comic Stand-Ups from as far away as Houston come every Wednesday for Comedy Night at the Frosty Factory.

You can even stand up and tell a few one-liners as Comedy Night is open to everyone.

Starting around 8:30, you and your friends are guaranteed to have a good time so stop on by the Frosty Factory.
Frosty Factory

Josh Hessier, Leo Morgan and Nick Cronan always make sure that the comedy is freshly squeezed every Wednesday. Typically there will be 10 to 12 comedians show up for a comic free-for-all.

Nowhere else in Southwest Louisiana will you find such a wide range of comic entertainment as you will on Wednesday nights at the Frosty Factory.

When Times of Southwest Louisiana writer, Matt Dye, visited us he said:

"The atmosphere of the Frosty Factory is perfect for a comedy show. The bar has seating which faces towards the stage with plenty of room to move about. The comics are easily visible. There is plenty of room at the bar, so getting a drink is never a feat of having to squeeze between two people to get the bartender's attention. And since it's the Frosty Factory, not only do they serve beer and hard liquor, but also over 30 different flavors of frozen drinks."

  Frosty Factory

  Hope to see you next Wednesday night at the Frosty Factory.