The . has four pool tables and special sitting bars for your gaming pleasure. We provide you and your friends with a variety in number and size of cue sticks to help you shoot your best game.

Shoot a few games over drinks with your friends and then relax and enjoy the good times at the
Frosty Factory

Frosty Factory

Tuesday night is Bush League Pool Tournament time. You will see some of the best pool shooters around.

Come drop by and watch. Any of the members will be more than happy to offer pointers or answer questions to help you bring your pool game to a higher level.

When the tournaments are done we're still open. The is a great place to spend some time time off.

New to the is a shuffleboard game. Gather with your friends and find out who can send the puck flying in style down the table. Be sure to sample one of the 30 frozen drinks while you play. Frosty Factory